The Prayer Pillow Ministry Outreach
320 Railroad Street/ P.O. Box 548 Maplesville, Al 36750
office (205) 217-1087 cell
Yvonne White Mitchell – Executive Director
So often I am asked…”How did you start a nonprofit organization sewing pillows?”
So here’s my story:
Honestly, if you had asked me five years ago, what I would be doing today….my answer would certainly not be thinking that I would be sewing pillows and giving them away. This is how I know that this vision is truly from God. He has a way of taking our lives in a completely different direction that what we can ever imagine.
Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017, God began to really open doors and show me what my purpose was in life. I knew years and years ago that I was saved and that I had a strong desire to serve God…but being saved is just not enough. Faith without works is dead. I needed to do more than just be saved….God had to push me into my purpose. Breast cancer did it for me!
So, I have been an Intercessor for many years…praying and doing all that can to stand in the gap for others. Nothing changed when breast cancer hit….God still required me to do what he had called me to do. Yes, I did often ask God….”How can I encourage others when I need encouraging myself?” , I would always receive the same answer…”Yvonne, it’s not about you!”
Many times it was a struggle, but I continued to do what God called me to do. Often praying and interceding for others while at the same time asking God to help me to make it through the next chemo treatment or just to be able to even have the will power to keep going.
Do you think God let up on me because I wanted to give up sometimes….absolutely not. It seemed like every single night, I was up for hours praying with and for someone else.
During this time , God had me writing my first book, “Breast Cancer Picked the Wrong Chick!”…whewww that was a struggle. God had me to write things about my personal life that I wasn’t ready to expose at the time. There was even a time when I stopped writing and put the book down for about three months because I told God…”NO, I’m just not going to write that!” FYI….There’s no debating with God! I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was healing me of the painful past that I had endured and ultimately would heal me of breast cancer as well.
So how did the Prayer Pillow Ministry start?
As I was sleeping one night, God woke me up out of my sleep and led me to the book of Habakkuk. This was winter 2019. (Had no idea we were about to face a pandemic). But the Prophet Habakkuk was very grieved by all of the things that were going on around him. Much like today, there was much killing, evil, strife, hatred…you name it!! But God is still God!!! God told the Prophet Habakkuk to write the vision and make it plain, so that the people would see and know that when I begin to move and fix things…they will know that it’s God and only God! No man can get the credit for the things God has done. So I initially thought that I would sew a few pillows and just give a few pillows back to the cancer center and that would be it. But God had a bigger plan. I started sewing these pillows at my dining room table. Volunteers came on board….we started sharing these pillows with everyone…(homeless, sick, veterans, seniors, and just people that we meet on the street)…it has been amazing…we are able to share God’s word and place smiles on so many faces. We are now shipping these pillows all across the world.
On of our biggest accomplishments was in the month of April. We teamed up with Bridges of Faith orphanage in Billingsley, Al and they were able to take our pillows to share with the refugees at the border! Never would have imagined that our pillows would touch so many lives.
Bridges of Faith handing out pillows to the refugees. The story is shared on the Bridges of Faith facebook page.
As well as The Prayer Pillow Ministry page.
We are also proud members of Chilton County Chamber of Commerce
Our organization operates solely on donations and fundraising. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization and our primary mission is simply to SERVE! We are so grateful for all of our donors and volunteers. There’s absolutely no way that we could do this without your help.
Yvonne White Mitchell (205) 217-1087
P.O. Box 548
Maplesville, Al 36750
We have since sent pillows to Romania, Africa, and twice to Peru
We are always looking for volunteers & sponsors. Ir you would like to volunteer please feel free to contact me. Our hours are Monday-Thursday 10 am-4pm
You may donate : PayPal
` Cash app $Ydwm
Your donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE! We will mail you a receipt.